Dr Ralph Torres787.789.6400  Español
How dental veneers help improve your smile

How Dental Veneers Help Improve Your Smile

Nowadays, dental aesthetic treatments have become very popular. This is because they have become the best option to improve our smile, as is the treatment of dental veneers in Puerto Rico

Just as oral health is important, dental aesthetics is a branch of dentistry that brings us benefits on a personal level. Dental veneers help you have a prettier smile, and this in turn, can give you more confidence and improve your appearance and self-esteem. Therefore, we will tell you how dental veneers can help you so that you never shy away from smiling.

What are Dental Veneers?

Dental veneers are thin sheets that can be made of different materials, such as composite and porcelain. Also, these are sheets that are placed on the tooth in which you want to change its aesthetics. However, it is important to clarify that this is a procedure that must be applied by a professional. He or she will be responsible for giving the right color tone, position and shape to the veneers. It's usually a quick treatment, and in no time you'll be able to smile all you want.

Types of Dental Veneers

Each type of veneer works differently, and we will explain below:

Composite Veneers

It consists of a minimally invasive treatment, so it is usually one of the most sought after options. One of its main advantages is that it is a moldable material, and its tone and shape is given when it is already placed on the tooth. In fact, the dentist will add the composite on the tooth and will mold the material. In this way, it will also give the position that your smile needs.

Porcelain Veneers

With regard to porcelain veneers, this is a more complex process at the time of placement. The professional places the veneer on the tooth with the tone and shape that is desired. Of course, these veneers that will be made in advance in a laboratory, according to the indications of the cosmetic dentist. Thus, once they are ready, they are placed on the surface of the tooth to be treated. In most cases, to apply this type of veneers the adjacent teeth must be scratched a little . In this way, the final result will be aesthetic and harmonious.

It should be noted that, although both materials are resistant, porcelain provides more durability than composite.

Beneficios de las carillas dentales o veneers

Benefits of Dental Veneers

Now, there is no doubt that we all want to have a great smile. Even not having beautiful teeth can be a source of embarrassment for many people, so they avoid talking or smiling. Diastema is usually a common problem, as well as stains on the teeth or dental fractures. The good news is that they are problems that can be corrected through dental aesthetics, specifically, with dental veneers.

These dental prosthesis can do a lot for you, and we will tell you some specific cases in which they can be applied:

To correct damage to tooth enamel

Tooth enamel is the layer responsible for protecting the nerves, dentin, root and pulp of the tooth. Plaque, tartar or other factors can deteriorate this layer to cause irreversible damage. By placing dental veneers, your teeth will remain protected over time from those agents that cause damages to tooth enamel.

To whiten teeth

Over time, your teeth lose their natural appearance or color. Do not panic, as it is normal, either from consuming certain foods or bad habits such as tobacco. However, you can resort to one or two teeth whitening sessions, although it will not always be the most effective solution.

The truth is that dental veneers can be used to cover discolored, stained or teeth that have a different shade in your smile. Likewise, the material used for its manufacture is not easily stained. Which means, your smile will look white for many years to come.

To improve dental aesthetics

Suppose you have a broken, fractured, or chipped tooth. It is normal that you do not feel comfortable with its appearance, but it can be saved thanks to dental veneers. Also, they are very useful to correct the shape of your teeth and never smile shyly. A very common case is separated teeth, which give the feeling of an incomplete smile. Thanks to this treatment, that space between the teeth will be corrected and will never be noticed again.

Veneers Reduce Dental Problems

Let's review all the functional problems that can be corrected by means of dental veneers:

Although some of the mentioned dental problems can be corrected on certain occasions with braces and other techniques, you can opt for another type of treatment. That is why many patients resort directly to the use of veneers instead of orthodontics because it is a fast, safe and reliable treatment.

Where to Perform a Dental Veneer Treatment

If you're concerned about how much dental veneers cost, there are many factors that can determine their price:

Dr. Ralph Torres, cosmetic dentist, has the best specialists for the application of dental veneers in Puerto Rico. We will take care of modifying the shape, color and size of your teeth through a guaranteed process. In addition, we have different payment methods to adjust to your needs. You no longer have excuses to show a better smile.

What do we offer you?

To show off a beautiful smile that everyone admires its beauty, contact us right now to schedule an appointment and perform a complete evaluation.

clinica dental en la avenida esmeralda, guaynabo

Contact Our Office

Call for an appointment or send a message.

Dr. Ralph Torres Pérez, D.M.D.
Ave. Esmeralda A-1, Esq. Arpegio
Highland Gardens, Guaynabo, PR 00969


Monday to Friday: 8 am to 5 pm
Alternate Saturdays: 8 am to 12 m


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