Dr Ralph Torres787.789.6400  Español
How dental laminates can help

How can Dental Veneers Help You

Dental aesthetics has become one of the most important branches of dentistry. This is because the smile is the letter of introduction wherever you go. Therefore, you should look radiant and healthy. There are many procedures to renew your smile, and one of the most common is dental veneers.

What are they? Why do they benefit your smile? In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about this treatment so that you can improve the aesthetic appearance of your smile quickly and safely.

What are dental laminates?

Dental laminates are also known as dental veneers. This treatment consists of a prosthesis that works as a cover over the tooth that has lost its original appearance, to improve its aesthetics and protect it. For its elaboration, the specialist (experienced dentist) must evaluate you to determine the hue, brightness, curvature and size of the tooth. In this way, the prosthesis will fit with the rest of the pieces and look as natural as possible.

This treatment has a great advantage, and that is that it can be performed on all teeth to maintain oral health and achieve the desired aesthetics. In this way, it is not necessary for the patient to use implants that can be uncomfortable to recover the functionality of the smile.

Duration of dental laminates or veneers

Dental laminates can last between 5 to 15 years. It will be necessary to maintain adequate dental hygiene and other practices such as avoiding biting hard things. Bruxism or dental grinding can also damage dental laminates, although it can be treated by a specialist, which in this case would be a maxillofacial surgeon.

What are dental laminates used for?

This treatment has several functionalities, not only aesthetic, and we will explain some of them:

Repair broken teeth: Teeth can break for many reasons, in particular from biting on hard foods or from trauma. In cases like these, dental laminates work as allies by correcting the partial loss of the dental piece. In this way, its shape and natural aesthetics can be recovered.

They preserve the natural tooth: When the specialist proceeds to apply the laminate, it is glued on the tooth. Thus, it can be preserved without having to carve or wear down its structure.

They provide strength to the natural tooth: Resistant materials are used to make dental veneers. That is why they provide strength to the natural dental piece, so that it can last longer.

Improve personal appearance: Once you improve the appearance of your smile, it also improves your overall appearance. This improves your self-esteem, your confidence and social relationships. In fact, patients who have tried this aesthetic treatment show their satisfaction.

Why use dental laminates?

Dental laminates have many advantages, and these are some of them:

Why use dental veneers

Can dental veneers damage teeth?

When dental laminates are placed by a specialist, there should be no damage to your teeth. When they are not positioned correctly or are very thick, they can cause problems with natural teeth. Likewise, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene, which will consist of good brushing and flossing. In addition, you cannot miss the periodic visit to your dentist.

Dental laminate procedure

These are the steps for the placement of the dental laminates:

  1. Consultation: In this first step, the specialist will examine your teeth, taking into account your expectations. In this way, you will determine if dental laminates are your best option. Also, they will take impressions of your teeth to create a treatment plan.
  2. Preparation: The procedure continues when the specialist removes a small amount of tooth enamel, no more than 0.5 mm from the front surface of the tooth. The goal is to be able to make a space for the laminate and an impression of the prepared tooth. This will be sent to a dental laboratory for the laminate to be custom made.
  3. Adhesive: Once the laminate is received from the laboratory, the specialist determines the color of the laminate and other elements to make any necessary adjustments. He will then clean the surface of the tooth before applying the adhesive that will bond the laminate to the tooth. When the laminate is placed on the tooth, a special light is used to cure the bonding adhesive.
  4. Polish: When the bonding process is complete, the dentist must revise the bite to make other appropriate adjustments. In this way, the laminate can be polished so that it has a smooth and natural appearance.
  5. Follow-up: This last step is relevant. The specialist should schedule a follow-up appointment to confirm the fit of the laminate and the healing of the tooth. Likewise, he will give the necessary care instructions so that your teeth and the treatment last for a long time.

What is the difference between porcelain and resin dental laminates?

There are porcelain and resin dental laminates. Resin laminates usually have a shorter life than porcelain laminates, lasting between 5 and 10 years. While those made of porcelain tend to last between 10 and 15 years. Over time, resin dental laminates lose their shine. They can become depigmented if proper oral hygiene is not followed. Also, there are habits that contribute to the deterioration of these, such as smoking tobacco. In addition, drinks such as soda or coffee will produce a yellowish tone on the teeth.

This does not happen with porcelain dental laminates since it is a material that is resistant to breakage and wear. With regard to their durability, both laminates should not peel off if they have been placed correctly. If this happens, those made with resin are easier to repair because you only have to fill in the fractured area. On the other hand, with porcelain laminates, the process must be repeated from the beginning.

In this way, porcelain dental laminates require a greater demand from the professional. In fact, only a qualified dentist will perform a first preparation session and a second placement session. For the placement of resin dental laminates, only one session is enough. However, both techniques require a previous session in case of problems with oral health.

How to maintain dental laminates for as long as possible?

Here are some tips that will help you keep your dental laminates in good condition for as long as possible:

Oral hygiene: Good oral hygiene practice is essential. You should brush your teeth at least three times a day with a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Floss once a day and use antiseptic mouthwash. These products help remove plaque and bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease.

Habits: There are bad habits that can damage your dental laminates. Avoid chewing or biting on hard objects like candy or ice. You should also avoid habits like grinding your teeth, biting your nails, or using your teeth to open packages or bottles.

Mouthguard: If you grind your teeth at night, you can use a mouth guard. Remember that bruxism causes the laminates to wear down or break, and the goal is to keep them in good condition.

Food and drinks: Avoid consuming food or drinks that can stain your laminates, such as coffee, tea, tobacco, and red wine.

Visit to the dentist: Schedule regular checkups with your dentist to keep laminates in top condition. This specialist is the only one qualified to detect or treat any problem in time.

How much do dental veneers cost?

This is usually a common question among patients who wish to undergo the application of dental laminates. It is important to note that the price of this treatment depends on several factors, for example, the material selected for its preparation and the case of each patient.

To determine the price of dental laminates, it is important to attend a review with the specialist. He is the only one who can know exactly what type of laminates will suit each patient.

Dental laminates in Puerto Rico

Dental laminates are recommended for many reasons, especially because they help improve the appearance of your smile. If you still have doubts regarding the application of this treatment, Dr. Ralph Torres can help you. He will provide you with the advice you need based on your needs. He has a team of professionals who meet the high standards of the ADA to apply this treatment with guaranteed quality. But this is not all, since he accepts different medical plans and payment methods to suit your needs.

Contact us right now to request an appointment where we will make an evaluation and set the final price for the placement of dental laminates.

clinica dental en la avenida esmeralda, guaynabo

Contact Our Office

Call for an appointment or send a message.

Dr. Ralph Torres Pérez, D.M.D.
Ave. Esmeralda A-1, Esq. Arpegio
Highland Gardens, Guaynabo, PR 00969


Monday to Friday: 8 am to 5 pm
Alternate Saturdays: 8 am to 12 m


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